How can orthodontic treatment help?
Orthodontic Treatment in Kochi is the branch of dentistry that treats misalignment, a condition in which the teeth are misaligned when the mouth is closed. This leads to malocclusion.An orthodontist is a doctor who straightens teeth. Treatment can be cosmetic to improve appearance, but in many cases it is also aimed at improving oral function.Braces and other appliances are used to straighten your teeth.
An orthodontist may undertake work aimed at achieving the following:
Treatment can improve the appearance of teeth and, in some cases, can improve chewing and speech functions and help protect teeth from damage and decay. To achieve these goals, orthodontists use a variety of medical dental equipment such as headgear, plates, and braces.
Orthodontic appliances can be fixed or removable.
Fixed appliance usually are commonly used treatment nowadays in orthodontics. For orthodontic appliance accuracy is important. A person can eat normally from fixed utensils, but some foods and drinks should be avoided, such as: B. Sodas, candy, chewing gum, and other sticky foods. People who participate in contact sports should tell their orthodontist, as they may need special mouthguards.
Examples of fixed orthodontic appliances are:
These consist of brackets, wires and bands. Brackets are usually attached to the front surface of the teeth, while bands are securely fastened around the teeth and act as anchors for the appliances.
An arch-shaped wire is passed through the bracket and attached to the ligament. As the archwire is tightened, it puts tension on the teeth. Over time this puts them in the right position.Follow-up includes monthly visits to adjust or tighten braces. Treatment may last from months to years.Both transparent braces and colored braces are available.
Fixed Place Supervisor
If a child loses a primary tooth, a space maintainer prevents the two teeth on either side of the gap from moving until adult teeth erupt.A band is attached a teeth very next to gap. , a wire is threaded from the band to the other tooth.
Removable Placeholder
These are alternatives to fixed placeholders. special fixing device. These help control tongue sticking and thumb sucking. It can be uncomfortable, especially when eating, so use it only when necessary.
Removable Braces
These can be used to treat minor problems such as preventing thumb sucking or correcting slightly crooked teeth.Remove the device only to clean, eat, or floss. Orthodontists may advise patients to remove them for certain activities, such as playing wind instruments or cycling.
Examples of removable devices are:
AlignerThis alternative to braces is useful for adults. They are barely noticeable to others and can be removed for brushing, flossing, and eating. After using the aligners for 2-3 weeks, replace them with stronger aligners.
HeadgearA strap at the back of the head is attached to a metal wire on the front or facial arch.The goal is to slow the growth of the upper jaw and hold the back teeth in place while the front teeth recede. Lip and Cheek Pads:
These are specially made to reduce the pressure your cheeks and lips put on your teeth.
Palate ExpanderThis device is designed to widen the maxillary arch. It consists of a screwed plastic plate that is placed on the palate or palate. The screws apply pressure to the joints of the bones, pushing the bones outward. This increases the size of the palate area.
RetainerThese are used to prevent the teeth from moving back into place after treatment. Modified, it can also be used by children to stop thumb sucking.
Here two types of removable retainers are:
Hawley appliances are usually metal and acrylic. The acrylic fits the palate and the wire wraps around the front teeth.The other is made of clear plastic. They fit your teeth and look like Invisalign aligners. Permanent retainers are glued or glued to the back of your teeth. It is usually recommended for the lower front teeth as there is a higher risk of the front teeth moving back into place.
In some cases, orthodontists recommend both fixed permanent braces for the lower front teeth and clear plastic aligner types that fit the entire lower arch.
Splint Or Jaw Reduction DeviceThese are placed on either the upper or lower jaw. Best dentist in Kochi help the jaws close properly. Splints are commonly used for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Temporomandibular disorders are conditions that can cause pain and dysfunction in the muscles involved in jaw movement.Regardless of the device or treatment, it is important to carefully follow both your Best dental clinic in Kochi professional's instructions and oral hygiene guidelines for the best results.