What are Dental Clear Aligners?

Dental Clear aligners is set of transparent dental trays that may be worn in order to move your teeth in desired place so that the teeth will look, feel and attain harmonious functions . A set of dental Aligner trays are worn and can be interchanged about 10-15 days to achieve the optimum result. Based on the severity of the cases, the quantity of trays and duration for treatment could be analysed.

They are transparent, comfortable , invincible and are really very comfortable for gums as well as the teeth which makes it easier even for the adults in wear it comfortably and with confidently at any event or even at their office or at any meetings.

How can we maintain the Clear Aligner

  • The Aligner trays are very durable, in spite of that care is required for the proper result.
  • Always Wear Clear Aligner as much time as possible, for atleast 20-22 hours everyday.
  • Wash aligners under cold water to prevent contamination also saliva and bacteria accumulation.
  • Never use hot water, hot water or heat may hamper the shape and size of the tray
  • Clean them with Soap and not with Dental Toothpaste as it may abrasive agents which can cause scratches on aligners.
  • Do not soak them in mouthwash or any disinfectant as the color of solutions can make your aligners tainted and hence noticeable and very unattractive.

Does Clear Aligner treatment process hurt?

There is never any such pain or any discomfort however, when you change to your new set of trays some may experience slight discomfort for a matter of only 1-2 days same feeling as you change into your shoes to new ones.

Is the Aligner Dental Treatment Process Safe?

At Dr Nevins Family Dental Clinic , we work only with the best Aligners which are recognised globally which renowned and one of the best in quality and result as well as their success rates.

How can I be Eligible for Aligners?

At Dr Nevins Family Dental Clinic is the Best dental clinic in Kochi, we have trained Best dentist in Kochi. You only need to walk-in / book or even call for an appointment. The Dentist will assess your Oral Condition at Chair side and will provide you a treatment plan after analysis and will tell you exactly the number of trays required, total time also the duration for the treatment and also the total cost estimated.